
高中, Postsecondary, and Career Planning


Helping Students Become Career and College Ready

A Career is more than just a job.  Career ready is to be a life-long learner. Seattle 学校 is dedicated to supporting students exploration of interests, strengths and skills that will support them in the future. Career preparation is a combination of course work, 知识, employ-ability and self-management skills.  Seattle 学校 offers a variety of ways for students to experience a variety of activities that support the development of personal Career goals. 

In order to help students learn to set goals, 确定解决方案, explore careers and plan for career training opportunities, students will complete their 高中 and Beyond Plan using Naviance. 高中及以后计划, helps student identify opportunities and meet graduation requirements while aligning with the students’ career interests.  了解更多关于Naviance的信息.


职业准备 is about learning and demonstrating skills that will make our students successful at whatever career their choose.  Students develop goals, identify career and personal interests and strengths. 学生学习团队合作,  领导, 专业, problem solving and how to use technology in a professional setting. 


There are many steps students should take to be prepared for college. One of the most important steps in planning for college is to ensure that you are academically prepared. Current high school graduation requirements differ from college entrance requirements. This means that students and families must clearly understand what colleges require when selecting high school courses. 

Some high school courses offer students the ability to earn college and high school credit. These Dual-Credit opportunities support student success in college. 


Dual Credit programs allow students to take college-level courses while still in high school. Students may become eligible for college credit based on scores obtained in the year-end examinations and through taking college-level classes either at their high school or at colleges and universities.


  • Many allow you to stay on your high school campus and receive college credit.
  • Take advantage of free or low-cost tuition.
  • Earn both high school and college credit for completing high school courses.
  • Save on college tuition before you graduate from high school.
  • Enjoy an opportunity to explore career fields before high school graduation.
  • Gain practical skills that will be useful regardless of post high school plans.
  • Enhance your resume with Dual Credit credits.
  • Earn College credits that are considered in determining military pay. 

Seattle schools offers students Dual credit opportunities such as 跳级, 国际学士学位, 高中的大学, CTE Dual Credit and Running Start.

In order to join any branch of the military the student must be 18 years old, or 17 with consent. 他们一定是美国人.S. Citizen or resident alien, have graduated or have their G.E.D., and must take the ASVAB and a physical exam.  军事 Recruiters can visit each of our high schools. In addition they may meet with students who request additional information. 


A 双学分CTE course contains a signed articulation agreement between 正规买足球的App (职业与技术教育) and at least one community/technical college. Students earn both 高中 and college credits while taking classes at the 高中. 双学分CTE Courses are also part of many of the CTE Graduation Pathway options.

To learn more about 双学分CTE, talk with your Career Connected Learning Coordinator or CTE Teacher.


职业与技术教育 (CTE) is a planned program of courses and learning experiences that begins with exploration of career options, supports academic and life skills, and enables achievement of high academic standards, 领导, and preparation for career and college. Learn more about 职业与技术教育. Students can connect with industry experts, 专业的导师, earn career specific certifications and more.

Two students hold plants at 技术中心 course


The Department of Defense oversee the United State 军事. It is the largest employer in the world. Students have opportunities for diverse careers, training and travel.  There are several branches of the military, each with a different mission and culture. The military may offer college scholarships or enlistment bonuses.

  • 军队
  • 海军陆战队
  • 海军
  • 空军
  • 海岸警卫队