Seattle Public Schools

Advanced Learning

Identification and Eligibility

2023-24 Identification & Eligibility Appeals Process Now Closed

Identification and Eligibility Process 2023-24


In the past two years, 我们已经改进了决策的方式和谁有资格获得高级学习服务. The AL department is committed to serve students, particularly Black, Brown, and Native American students.

Effective July 23, 2023, a new section was passed in Senate Bill 5072 relating to advancing equity in the identification for services. 立法机关已经指示学区优先考虑公平地识别低收入学生,以便他们参加高水平的项目和服务. Learn more about RCW 28A.185.030.


普遍筛选是一个完整的审查当前和可用的学生教育记录数据匹配的具体标准和基准. 它的结构是为每个学生的优势和高学术成就的模式提供一个全面的评估. 


  • Qualify for Free and Reduced-Price Lunch
  • Receive McKinney-Vento Act services
  • Qualify for Special Education services
  • Are Multilingual Learners
  • Qualify under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • Show a need for services and do not have all required baseline data.


  • Academic assessments from current and previous school year
  • Demonstrated Performance in the classroom provided by teaching staff
  • Current gradebook or report card
  • 学生教育工作者和家长/监护人报告的优点、才能和兴趣. A questionnaire will be available in the Fall.

Additional data if applicable:

  • Language acquisition assessment for students receiving multilingual services; and
  • 学生教育记录中的附加评估,作为SPS特殊教育评估的一部分, 这导致学生接受个性化教育计划(IEP)

我们最年轻的学生受益于他们的第一个完整学年(幼儿园)在课堂上发展出一种高绩效的模式. Beginning 2023-24, SPS幼儿园学生将不参与HC或AL鉴定的正式过程. In their first grade year, 学生将参加HC或AL资格决定的普遍筛选过程. Assessments and report cards from their kindergarten year, 以及一年级的秋季数据将用于他们的第一次普遍筛查.

Throughout the school year, 教师将了解每一个幼儿园的学生,并实施策略 Neighborhood School Model 这为每个孩子提供了高质量的教学机会,让他们在一个有吸引力的环境中成长, challenging, rewarding, and identity-affirming environment.

我们承认家长/监护人在学生的学业和社会情感结果中扮演着重要和必不可少的角色. 高级学习部门为家长/监护人提供了一个选择,让他们的学生不参加2023-24年的身份识别和资格认证过程. The Opt-Out form will be available September 20 – October 31, 2023.

Highly Capable (HC) Services – By early February, 当家长/监护人的学生符合资格时,家长/监护人将收到信件通知. 家长/监护人需要在收到信件后20天内使用同意书提供服务同意. 所有这些信息和同意书将包含在通知信中.

Advanced Learner (AL) Services – By early February, 当学生符合申请辅助教学服务的资格时,家长/监护人将收到通知. Parents/guardians can appeal the decision. 家长/监护人可于通知函所载日期后10个工作天内提出上诉. All this information will be included in the notification letter.

There are two different types of appeals, conditional and identification. 家长/监护人必须选择一种上诉类型,并在上诉截止日期前提供额外或所需的信息:在收到资格通知后的10个工作日内.


Eligibility Criteria

在今年的普遍筛查期间收集和评估的数据是从2022年秋季到2023-24学年的第一个评估窗口. To be automatically eligible for HC services, students must meet all baseline criteria in both Math and Reading.


Math Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Reading Baseline Eligibility:

  • Two standardized test scores (MAP)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL
  • One standardized test score (DIBELS)
    • 75 percentile or higher

Additional Data to be Considered:

If your student does not meet the baseline eligibility criteria, multiple pathways are considered using additional data. 这些额外的措施有助于我们全面了解每个学生的学术旅程和潜在的服务需求:

  • 与同龄人相比,实现2年的成长或在标准化测试(MAP)上超过2年
  • Grades in Math and Reading of 3.6 or higher
  • 教育人员表明,学生的数学成绩可以比他们的年级高2年以上,阅读成绩可以比他们的年级高1年以上
  • Lexile scores indicating student is performing well above grade level

Math Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Reading Baseline Eligibility:

  • Two standardized test scores (MAP)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL
  • One standardized test score (DIBELS)
    • 75 percentile or higher

Additional Data to be Considered:

If your student does not meet the baseline eligibility criteria, multiple pathways are considered using additional data. 这些额外的措施有助于我们全面了解每个学生的学术旅程和潜在的服务需求:

  • 与同龄人相比,实现2年的成长或在标准化测试(MAP)上超过2年
  • Grades in Math and Reading of 3.6 or higher
  • 教育人员表明,学生的数学成绩可以比他们的年级高2年以上,阅读成绩可以比他们的年级高1年以上
  • Lexile scores indicating student is performing well above grade level

Math Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Reading Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Additional Data to be Considered:

If your student does not meet the baseline eligibility criteria, multiple pathways are considered using additional data. 这些额外的措施有助于我们全面了解每个学生的学术旅程和潜在的服务需求:

  • 与同龄人相比,实现2年的成长或在标准化测试(MAP)上超过2年
  • Grades in Math and Reading of 3.6 or higher
  • 教育人员表明,学生的数学成绩可以比他们的年级高2年以上,阅读成绩可以比他们的年级高1年以上
  • Lexile scores indicating student is performing well above grade level

Math Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP/SBA)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Reading Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP/SBA)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Additional Data to be Considered:

If your student does not meet the baseline eligibility criteria, multiple pathways are considered using additional data. 这些额外的措施有助于我们全面了解每个学生的学术旅程和潜在的服务需求:

  • 与同龄人相比,实现2年的成长或在标准化测试(MAP)上超过2年
  • Grades in Math and Reading of 3.6 or higher
  • 教育人员表明,学生的数学成绩可以比他们的年级高2年以上,阅读成绩可以比他们的年级高1年以上
  • Lexile scores indicating student is performing well above grade level

Math Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP/SBA)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Reading Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP/SBA)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Additional Data to be Considered:

If your student does not meet the baseline eligibility criteria, multiple pathways are considered using additional data. 这些额外的措施有助于我们全面了解每个学生的学术旅程和潜在的服务需求:

  • 与同龄人相比,实现2年的成长或在标准化测试(MAP)上超过2年
  • Grades in Math and Reading of 3.6 or higher
  • 教育人员表明,学生的数学成绩可以比他们的年级高2年以上,阅读成绩可以比他们的年级高1年以上
  • Lexile scores indicating student is performing well above grade level

Math Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP/SBA)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Reading Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP/SBA)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Additional Data to be Considered:

If your student does not meet the baseline eligibility criteria, multiple pathways are considered using additional data. 这些额外的措施有助于我们全面了解每个学生的学术旅程和潜在的服务需求:

  • Total number of A’s in most recent Math and ELA
  • 对演示性能工具(DPT)的总结性回应,强调在各种学习环境中应用技能的优势
  • Indications of strengths aligned with the ‘literacy standards’
  • 证明学生表现高于或超过年级标准的文件
  • 在适用的情况下,展示学科知识的书面优势证据
  • 与同龄人相比,标准化考试(SBA)实际增长两年以上
  • Grades in Math and Reading of 3.6 or higher
  • Lexile scores indicating student is performing well above grade level

Math Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP/SBA)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Reading Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP/SBA)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC
    • 88 percentile or higher for AL

Additional Data to be Considered:

If your student does not meet the baseline eligibility criteria, multiple pathways are considered using additional data. 这些额外的措施有助于我们全面了解每个学生的学术旅程和潜在的服务需求:

  • Total number of A’s in most recent Math and ELA
  • 对演示性能工具(DPT)的总结性回应,强调在各种学习环境中应用技能的优势
  • Indications of strengths aligned with the ‘literacy standards’
  • 证明学生表现高于或超过年级标准的文件
  • 在适用的情况下,展示学科知识的书面优势证据
  • 与同龄人相比,标准化考试(SBA)实际增长两年以上
  • Grades in Math and Reading of 3.6 or higher
  • Lexile scores indicating student is performing well above grade level

Math Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP/SBA)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC

Reading Baseline Eligibility:

  • Three standardized test scores (MAP/SBA)
    • 95 percentile or higher for HC

In grade 8, we only identify students for Highly Capable services.

Additional Data to be Considered:

If your student does not meet the baseline eligibility criteria, multiple pathways are considered using additional data. 这些额外的措施有助于我们全面了解每个学生的学术旅程和潜在的服务需求:

  • Total number of A’s in most recent Math and ELA
  • 对演示性能工具(DPT)的总结性回应,强调在各种学习环境中应用技能的优势
  • Indications of strengths aligned with the ‘literacy standards’
  • 证明学生表现高于或超过年级标准的文件
  • 在适用的情况下,展示学科知识的书面优势证据
  • 与同龄人相比,标准化考试(SBA)实际增长两年以上
  • Grades in Math and Reading of 3.6 or higher
  • Lexile scores indicating student is performing well above grade level

Eligibility and Appeals Timeline 2023-24

Updated information available on AL website. 给1 -8年级家庭的关于AL普遍筛查的通知信.

September 2023

Updated information available on AL website. 给1 -8年级家庭的关于AL普遍筛查的通知信.

Parent/Guardian Survey and
Opt-Out Form are available.

September 20 – October 31, 2023

Parent/Guardian Survey and
Opt-Out Form are available.

由教师为1 -8年级学生完成的示范表演工具.

November-December 2023

由教师为1 -8年级学生完成的示范表演工具.

Universal Screening for 1st-8th grade students.

January 2024

Universal Screening for 1st-8th grade students.


February 3-6, 2024


Families can submit an appeal for 1st-8th grade students.

February 3-20, 2024

Families can submit an appeal for 1st-8th grade students.

MSC将审查每一项上诉,并向家长/监护人提供书面决定 25 school days of the receipt of the appeal form and all documentation/proof.

February 20-27, 2024

MSC将审查每一项上诉,并向家长/监护人提供书面决定 25 school days of the receipt of the appeal form and all documentation/proof.

Appeal final eligibility decision letters are sent to families.

February 29March 7

Appeal final eligibility decision letters are sent to families.

Parents provide consent for Highly Capable services.

March 1-29, 2024

Parents provide consent for Highly Capable services.